There are many self-massage tools and systems on the market today, and they all have their merits. I have personally found The Roll Model Method, designed by Jill Miller of Tune-up Fitness, to be the most effective. In 2019, I became a Certified Roll Model Practitioner so I can teach you how to massage yourself using these innovative techniques.
I strongly believe in empowering individuals to heal themselves. I want you to be able to ease your own tension whenever you need to. Often an area of chronic tension or pain needs daily work to be resolved. There aren’t many of us who can get a professional massage every day, so the therapy balls are a great supplement to use between massages or if a new issue arises.
In these sessions, we look at where you have pain or tension and how you move, and then I will teach you how to massage yourself utilizing Yoga Tune-Up therapy balls and some yoga poses. Then you can take these techniques and do them at home. This allows you to recover from injury more quickly and to ease your own discomfort and tension whenever you need to, without having to spend time and money having a therapist do it for you.
If you would like to purchase the Roll Model® Massage Therapy Balls that are utilized in this system of self-massage, please use this affiliate link.
All private instruction sessions take place virtually on Zoom. If you live in the suburbs north of Boston, Massachusetts there is the opportunity to schedule private sessions in person as long as proper COVID-19 safety guidelines are maintained.
Rates: (Members get discounts on all private sessions, learn more here.)
Virtual | In-Person | |
30 minutes | $36 | $45 |
45 minutes | $48 | $60 |
60 minutes | $68 | $85 |
90 minutes | $96 | $120 |
I often incorporate some self-massage rolling in my private and small group yoga sessions, as well. This is included in the cost of the private or small group session.